Clement the First Writer after the Apostles

Today is St. Clement's day. Clement was an early pope of Rome and a beautiful saint it the church. This is just a quick aside from a series of history-related posts to pitch the idea of learning a little more about St. Clement of Rome and gaining the spiritual benefit therefrom.

The Life of St. Clement, that is, a short biographical sketch that would take no more than five minutes to read, is a great start to learn about him and be inspired by his life. I could also recommend reading St. Clement's letters to the Corinthians, and since he was martyred in the year 101, are some of the earliest Christian writings we have after the Apostles and very much have the feel of the pastoral epistles of St. Paul.

St. Clement is considered one of the "Apostolic Fathers", along with my own beloved St. Ignatius, who will be appearing tomorrow in the continuation of the history posts. So, this is not too much of an aside, after all. And interestingly, they even repose together: St. Ignatius's relics are side-by-side with those of St. Clement in the Basilica di San Clemente in Rome.


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