Thanksgiving amid Suffering

Earlier this week, when in the choir, I noticed the word "thanksgiving" pop up in one of the hymns. Now, that probably is not terribly rare, for it seems somewhat likely to hear a word like "thanksgiving" appear in Christian hymnography from time to time, but being the week of Thanksgiving, it caught my attention. It was during the Vespers and Matins services for the Great-martyr James of Persia on Tuesday night. I just learned that he is also called the Great-martyr James the Sawn-Asunder , if that clarifies what might make him a great martyr. Thou hast astonished all by thy terrifying torments and the valor of thine endurance, O much suffering one, most wondrously uttering prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord as each of thy members was severed from thy body. Wherefore, receiving a crown amid thy suffering, thou hast ascended to the throne of Christ God, the King of heaven. Entreat Him, O James, that He save our souls. This is not at all to put a damper on T...